3 Things to do Before Deciding to Buy a Home

3 Things to do Before Deciding to Buy a Home

So you’ve seen every house in the market, you’ve gone way over your budget, and you’ve tossed and turned all night dreaming about your new life in your new home. The problem is that you haven’t decided on whether or not to sign on the dotted line. We’ve all been there. Doesn’t matter if it’s your first home or if you’re a seasoned investor, there are always 3 things to do before deciding to buy a home. Don’t forget to do these things before making that final decision!


Try putting in a lower offer


Saving money on your home should be your foremost goal. Who doesn’t like saving money? That being said, putting in a lower offer is tiptoeing on a fine line. You don’t want to lowball so badly that you put the owner or the bank off. Get a good idea of what other homes of similar size are going for, see what homes have sold for in recent weeks, and base the offer on that. I’d be happy to help you get all of the info you need. You’d be surprised at how much you could save over the life of a mortgage by just knocking a little off the top. Hey, you never know!


Get a plumbing inspection


This is one that might slip your mind, but it is very important. A plumbing inspection involves a professional plumber going through the home and testing everything. The pipes, fixtures, and appliances in the home could end up costing you a lot of money if something goes wrong, and if you are going to spend a lot of money on the home, you want to be sure that the infrastructure is up to par. They are especially important down here in Florida where we get a lot of rain!


Make sure your credit report is accurate


Your home loan depends heavily on your credit score, so making sure your credit report is accurate before you buy a home. It would be a shame for you to get a worse rate or even get turned down because of an inaccuracy. You are entitled to a free credit report each year and can have inaccuracies stricken from the record. Don’t decide on a home before making sure this is correct.


The good thing about buying a home is that you have a lot of places to choose from. Bradenton is a bustling market with a ton of great properties to buy. The only downside is that it might be hard to decide! These 3 things to do before deciding to buy a home are a must if you want to get the best deal on the best place for you. As one of Bradenton’s best realtors, I can say from personal experience that my clients who do these things are always happy that they did.